
Can IT admins block websites on managed phones?

Yes, IT admins can incorporate extensive device management features using a Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution, including blocking and allowing of websites.


How do IT admins restrict unwanted websites?

Using an MDM solution, IT admins can leverage its website management feature to restrict access to malicious websites that can compromise data and device security. This MDM feature is very useful for educational institutions as they can disable access to websites with harmful or distracting content for students.


Why do we block websites?

It’s necessary to block websites that contain harmful content for children or can leave corporate data and devices vulnerable to cyber attacks. In some work environments, blocking social media or entertainment websites serve as a measure for minimizing distractions and improving productivity.


Can parents block access to selected websites?

Parents can use the Android sceen pinning feature to ensure children don’t access any unwanted websites. Screen pinning can be enabled easily from the Settings menu on Android phones and tablets.

Ensure safe and secure browsing on corporate devices using Scalefusion MDM.