Benefits of Mobile Device Management (MDM) in Healthcare

Mobile devices are meeting the rising healthcare needs and MDM ensures their seamless performance and security. Let us look at the top MDM benefits.

Protects Sensitive Data

MDM enforces security protocols like password policies, peripheral control, and device encryption.

Ensures Regulatory Compliance

MDM helps with HIPAA security and privacy rules, such as:

Provisions Kiosks

MDM configures devices in kiosk mode for patients to check in for their appointments or view informational content.

Supports Mobile Workforce

Healthcare staff can access patient information on the go. MDM remotely distributes documents while protecting ePHI data by enforcing the use of official apps.

Saves Costs

MDM helps organizations manage costs by enabling shared devices. Multiple staff members can log in on a single device based on different shifts.

Start managing mobile devices with MDM solutions for healthcare.