
    What’s New at Scalefusion: December 2022 Updates

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    At Scalefusion, we are excited to ring in the new year with an interesting set of updates. Here’s a list of the key updates we’ve launched in the last couple of weeks to make your device management experience smoother than ever.

    Scalefusion MDM new features

    App Catalog for COD/BYOD devices

    We have now extended the App Catalog feature to Android devices. The App Catalog or the app library is a collection of applications- both Play for Work (PfW) and enterprise apps that are to be made available on the devices. The App Catalog can be configured for both BYO devices and company-owned devices.

    By configuring the App Catalog, IT admins can create a list of applications that are pushed on the devices ready to be installed. This list is available as a web clip that users can access and install applications from.

    OEM Config in device profile and feedBack notifications (Beta)

    At Scalefusion, we cherish our OEM partnerships. To simplify OEM configurations, we have planned a set of releases. We have kick-started enabling OEM app config from the device profile section of Scalefusion.

    IT admins no longer need to search the OEM Config apps like Knox Service Plugin in the Play for Work apps library in the application section, instead, this app can be selected and pushed from the device profile section. Feedback notifications for app publishing and installation status can be obtained as well.

    Watch out for this space as we add more updates for OEM configs.

    Please note that the reporting is currently in the Beta stage and for some reports, the data might not be accurate.

    Unattended Remote Cast and Control

    One of the most sought-after releases, we are beyond thrilled to announce that the new and updated Remote Cast agent now enables unattended remote access for Windows devices. IT admins can now set up a remote access session for their geographically distributed device inventory without any end-user intervention. It includes taking control of the login screen, switching users, responding to UAC prompts and locking or unlocking the device screen.

    New updates to Zebra device management

    IT teams can now control the OS updates on all the enrolled Zebra rugged devices, once you have configured the Zebra FOTA with Scalefusion. Zebra FOTA empowers IT admins with the ability to push updates over-the-air on Zebra devices once the Zebra handshake is configured on the Scalefusion dashboard.

    Enhancements to device enrollment

    User-based enrollment for company-owned devices

    With this new feature, when any company-owned device is enrolled for the first time, it can now be forced to ask for user authentication which could include OTP, AAD, GSuite, Ping/Okta, and Active Directory. If enabled, then users will be forced to authenticate before completing the setup. This can help to accelerate the enrollment process when devices are being enrolled via 6-times tap or ZeroTouch and scan a QR method for Android.

    For iOS and macOS devices, users can be forced to authenticate themselves during DEP/ADE or any COD enrollment method. The user authentication is done using OTP, AAD, GSuite, Ping/Okta, and AD during first-time enrollment.

    Configurable Device Configuration Properties

    IT teams can now configure the device configuration properties while creating a QR code configuration for enrollment. The end-user can configure/enter values for these custom properties during the enrollment. If enabled, the user has to enter values for all custom properties.

    Generic updates

    • IT teams can now place shortcuts for one-tap email and telephone on the Android home screen. This is a simple utility that enables IT admins to place a telephone or an email shortcut on the Scalefusion home screen. Clicking on it will launch the allowed application.
    • The notification sounds that will be played for all notifications when a device is locked in Kiosk mode can now be configured. 
    • IT admins can now configure to remove the white background from the lock screen logo via the Branding section of the Scalefusion dashboard.
    • IT admins can now obtain the Device Power status reports for Android and Windows devices.

    New updates to Android security

    • For Lenovo devices, in order to prevent escaping Kiosk mode and preventing the use of SIM cards, IT teams can now disable the Emergency and Accessibility option on the Lenovo Lock screen & disable SIM Card on Lenovo tablets.
    • To protect managed Android devices, Scalefusion currently auto-clicks a picture whenever a security incident occurs, which is after 3 failed attempts. IT teams can now configure the number of attempts for which the picture will be taken.

    Updates to Wingman-supported devices

    We have now extended the support for scheduling device power on/off for Wingman-supported devices. We have also extended the support to remotely shut down the Wingman-supported devices.

    Wi-Fi Config enhancements

    Allow fallback if configured Wi-Fis cannot be setup

    В настоящее время, a fallback is allowed by default if devices are not able to connect to any of the configured Wi-Fi at least once. With this update, this can now be controlled. If enabled, users are allowed to connect to a different Wi-fi if any of the configured Wi-Fis cannot be connected. We show a list of possible Wi-Fis the users can connect to.

    Allow fallback if configured Wi-Fis are not reachable post setup

    This update enables users to connect to a different Wi-Fi if the configured Wi-fis are valid but not reachable.

    These updates are all ready for you to try. Explore the features by logging in to the Scalefusion dashboard today.

    New to Scalefusion? Schedule a free demo here.

    Ренука Шахане
    Ренука Шахане
    Ренука Шахане — заядлый читатель, который любит писать о технологиях. Она имеет высшее техническое образование и более 10 лет опыта работы в области создания контента, контент-стратегии и PR для веб-стартапов.

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