
    Scalefusion が G2 の MDM グリッド 2022 年夏のリーダーに選ばれる


    At Scalefusion, our customers play a huge role in our product roadmap.

    Our product is driven by the mission to solve customers’ mobility challenges. Moreso, we define our product’s success by the diverse ways it fuels the business growth of our customers. This is why customer feedback means everything. And thanks to the stupendous feedback from our customers, We are elated to announce that Scalefusion has been listed as a leader in the Summer 2022 Grid Report by G2.com for  Mobile Device Management (MDM)and Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM).

    Scalefusion Leader
    授与 Leader in Summer 2022 by G2

    Along with this, Scalefusion has also been listed as a high performer in the Grid® Report for 統合エンドポイント管理(UEM) for Summer 2022.

    G2 rates and places mobile device management solutions on their proprietary grid based on various diverse parameters, which include the rating provided by customers on their experience of using the product, the solution’s compatibility with the devices used by the customers (make, model, OS versions) and as well as the support provided by the MDM solution. G2.com also takes into consideration different scoring methodologies to determine the best in-market technology solutions so that customers can make an informed decision before their purchase.

    Scalefusion has been consistently garnering positive reviews on G2.com and 98% of its users rated it 4 or 5 stars, with 92% of the customers believing that the product is moving in the right direction. And a whopping 94% said they would recommend Scalefusion.

    The reviews were provided by the customers belonging to diverse industries such as Transportation/Trucking/Railroad, Information Technology and Services, Computer Software, Hospital & Health Care, Logistics and Supply Chain.

    “It’s a true testament to our teamwork. We, at Scalefusion, have always been insistent to understand the customer’s dynamic needs and create apt solutions to solve their business challenges. This recognition pumps up more energy into our work and also hopefully helps other enterprises and businesses make the right choice while choosing an MDM solution”, commented Mr. Sriram Kakarala, VP of Products at Scalefusion.

    Along with being named as a leader in the Summer Grid 2022 for MDM, Scalefusion has also been named in 37 other reports by G2.com. These include the Implementation Index Report, the Momentum Grid Report, the Relationship Index Report, Results Index and Usability Index for MDM, EMM and UEM. It has also been named a leader in the Europe Regional Grid® Report for Enterprise Mobility Management for Summer 2022.

    With the insights from our community and the boosts from such recognitions, our team is more pumped than ever. We are more than excited to create and ship more and more customer-centric features in the coming years.

    Note: To view the entire レポート, please login to G2.com

    G2 クラウドについて:

    G2 Crowd は、顧客の声を強調することで企業の購買決定を支援します。同社のレビュー プラットフォームは、毎月 500,000 万人以上の購入者によって読まれた 2 件を超える独立した認証されたユーザー レビューを活用しています。彼らのモデルは B2B の購買に透明性をもたらし、意思決定の方法を変えます。

    Swapnil Shete は、Scalefusion のマーケティング担当副社長です。彼はデザインとテクノロジーに情熱を持っており、マーケティングファネルの最適化に重点を置いています。 Swapnil は、仕事以外のときには、マーケティングと販売の領域にあるさまざまな SaaS ソリューションを評価するのが大好きです。


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