
    お客様は Scalefusion についてどのような点を気に入っていますか?


    For any product or solution, there is nothing more delightful than good お客様の声. Product’s success lies in customer satisfaction.

    To achieve a higher level of customer satisfaction, we, follow a customer-centric approach in developing our solution to manage the mobile devices. We believe in listening to and understanding customers’ use cases and issues which they are trying to solve. Based on their inputs and feedbacks, we follow the continuous process to innovate diligently and relentlessly to come out with multiple solutions which address their concerns.

    And in the end, it is an absolute delight to see that smile on our customers’ face and a few good words from them, which make our days better and fuel our hunger to serve more and better.

    Here we would like to share a few out of many reviews from our valued customers, which has made us happy!


    GoPuff is a US based, on-demand delivery services company. It has a mobile application to deliver thousands of items from snacks to drinks, groceries and household essentials to office supplies and electronic goods. They believe in providing convenience by delivering all the essentials right at the doorstep in 30 mins lead time! Is not that simply amazing?

    To meet the demands of their customers with inordinate satisfaction, they have provided Android mobile devices to their employees who works round the clock and on-field, for prompt & efficient delivery. To secure these devices, they were looking for an efficient and cost-effective MDM solution. They found and trusted Scalefusion Pro to provide them with the solution which will ensure device security, usage mo and check on the regular data usage.

    With our best endeavor, we delivered them an MDM solution and here’s the review we got!


    A US based company which delivers next generation technology for child care centers. It facilitates better communication between parents and childcare centers’ administrators. It automates check-in, tuition billing & payment and regular child 具体的な指示 両親へ。

    It is a precious matter of child care and education, and to achieve excellence in their services they have provided Android tablets to the teachers and administrators to access their application on their device. But they wanted to ensure that these tablets should be used to access the Kangarootime application or website only, and not for any kind of personal usage. In addition to that, they also wanted to keep a tab on internet/data usage. In short, they needed an MDM solution which can meet their requirements.

    Since, we have already catered to various educational institutes by providing kiosk lock down solution through Scalefusion, for their tablets and mobile devices for their specific use-case, they gave us the opportunity to facilitate them as well.

    Their feedback for our solution matter to us the most –


    US based TEZ has created an innovative, simple mobile technology solution for streamlining operations, increasing efficiency and improving overall guest experiences for restaurant, hotel, residential, commercial and more.

    Their apps are used on Android mobile devices and tablets by employees of different venues listed. Scalefusion locks down the devices for any other purpose except the TEZ application. This integration ensures that devices are not used for any other purpose other than using TEZ application. Hence, Scalefusion facilitates them in increasing efficiency and guest experience for their clients.

    They acknowledged our solution, which is highly motivating for us –


    To summarize, it is our continuous endeavor to deliver products and solutions which are customer centric. We just do not sell our solutions, rather we help them and we create a long-lasting relationship with our customers. We believe in investing in innovation and support to our clients at every step to keep them assured and satisfied all through,

    For further insights on モバイルデバイス管理 and Mobility, contact us or visit our website https://scalefusion.com

    Nema Buch はリサーチおよびマーケティングの専門家であり、エンタープライズ モビリティのトレンド、SaaS、およびさまざまな業界について Scalefusion にも執筆しています。


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