
    Scalefusion MDM は、G29 の 2 年のベスト IT 管理製品リストで 2022 位にランクインしました。


    We are excited to announce that Scalefusion has been acknowledged as one of the best IT management software in G2’s 2022 Best Software Awards. 

    Best IT Management Products for 2022

    G2 is the world’s largest tech marketplace that is used by more than 60 million software buyers annually. Its annual Best Software List ranks the world’s best software companies and products based on authentic, timely reviews from real users. 

    G2.com applies a unique algorithm (v3.0) to the user reviews and rating data to calculate the Customer Satisfaction and Market Presence scores in real-time. The list of best software 2022 was released by G2 after an evaluation period of 1st January to 31st December 2021, in which Scalefusion secured the 29th rank amongst G2’s list of top 50 best IT management products. 

    Sharing the space with some of the most innovative and leading software companies is certainly a matter of pride for us. Here’s the complete list of the Best Software Companies in 2022 awarded by G2.com.

    “We constantly aim to deliver the most intuitive device management features to IT admins through スケールフュージョン MDM. Being recognized as one of the best software products for IT Management by G2 validates our efforts and motivates us to deliver better”, said Mr. Sriram Kakarala, VP Mobility, Scalefusion.

    The entire team at Scalefusion extends its heartfelt gratitude towards its customers and partners for bestowing their trust in us. Their valuable reviews, feedback and timely appreciation have been a great source of encouragement.


    G2 empowers business buying decisions by highlighting the voice of the customer.  Thousands of companies partner with G2 to build their reputation, manage their software spend, and grow their business. G2 has so far published over 1,500,000 reviews about more than 100,000 software products and professional services to help businesses make better buying decisions. Their model brings transparency to B2B buying—changing the way decisions are made.

    Swapnil Shete は、Scalefusion のマーケティング担当副社長です。彼はデザインとテクノロジーに情熱を持っており、マーケティングファネルの最適化に重点を置いています。 Swapnil は、仕事以外のときには、マーケティングと販売の領域にあるさまざまな SaaS ソリューションを評価するのが大好きです。


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