
    Scalefusion MDM: An Empowering Software for Telcos To Increase Employee Productivity

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    The telecom industry is a bustling sector that has seen constant evolutions and dynamic demands. The industry that started with telegraphs in the 1800s, is today juggling with multitudes of the latest technology including 5G, IoT and the cloud.

    Scalefusion MDM for Telcos 1
    Scalefusion MDM for Telcos

    The constantly evolving Telecom sector made swift progress during the pandemic as almost all businesses worldwide took to remote working and displayed heavy dependence on mobile devices and telecom services. According to a berichten, Mobile operators generated total revenue of 1.04 trillion U.S. dollars in 2020. This amount is further expected to cross 100 billion U.S. dollars by 2025.

    However, absorbing such a sudden surge in demand was not an easy task for the telecom industry, especially considering that telecom companies were also exploring enterprise mobility and remote management. Managing a diverse workforce including site engineers, sales executives, installers and technicians who all work remotely from distant locations is a complex task.

    Challenges Encountered by Telcos in Streamlining Mobility

    It is true that the Telecom industry has witnessed sudden progress in the last few years due to the surge in enterprise mobility. But it has also created extensive demands and immense pressure on the telecom businesses that struggle to keep up with the customer expectations. Several telecom businesses face constant roadblocks to efficient customer service.

    Photo by Fauxels für Pexels

    1. Complex Operational Processes

    With the sudden hike in the demand for telecom services, the operational efficiencies of telecom companies have taken a hit. More than ever, people are now opting for various telecom services to stabilize their work-from-home setup. Telecom businesses are being pushed to deliver instant services, rapid assistance and excellent KUNDENDIENST. People have become impatient and need their services to be installed fast and issues to be resolved even faster. With such a rapid demand from the customers, telecom businesses ought to implement strategies to collaborate better and meet their customers’ expectations.

    2. Sicherheitsbedenken

    The world is gradually taking corporate data security very seriously given the tremendous ill consequences that companies have to face if they happen to endure data breaches. Businesses must invest carefully in tools that help strengthen their corporate infrastructure and go the extra mile to secure their employees’ devices against the lurking security risks.

    Since the telecom industry is already heavily burdened with increasing customer demands, this task of securing each device with custom security policies, although much necessary, is a tedious task. Remotely working employees who are constantly on the go, further add to this complexity.

    3. Fernarbeit

    Like all other businesses, the telecom business too has embraced mobility and operates with several remote employees. Remote working changes several operational dynamics making it more challenging for telecom operators to keep their processes streamlined. Lack of proper communication with colleagues and managers, use of complex digital devices and software, and inability to share data securely and instantly are just some of the many challenges that employees have to face.

    4. Extended Downtime

    Working remotely presents a number of challenges for employees since they rely heavily on their digital devices for work and collaboration. Network outages, device errors, and untimed OS or app updates all lead to device stalling and extended downtime which directly hampers the employee’s productivity. Since employees rely on their mobile devices for most of their daily tasks such as contacting their customers, tracking their locations, offering on-site assistance and issue fixes, and collecting customer information, even a short period of device downtime can lead to a great loss of time and a lowered output.

    5. Hohe Kosten

    To efficiently deploy, provision and monitor such a large number of devices provided to the staff, telecom companies have to invest heavily, not only in purchasing devices but also to manage and secure them with numerous software and tools. Upgrading the telecom infrastructure, and bearing repair and maintenance costs, all add up to quite a big investment for the telecom businesses.

    How Does Scalefusion MDM Help Telcos Boost Their Employee Productivity

    Since the telecom industry is now booming, telecom operators must seek a unified solution that helps them secure their devices, manage their remote inventory, enhance their employees’ productivity, and offer quick remote assistance, all with a single solution. Mobile Device Management is the most suitable solution for the telecom sector to streamline its remote operations. 

    Scalefusion MDM is a comprehensive solution that offers extensive features for Telecom businesses to boost their productivity by manifolds.

    1. Effortless App Management

    Your telecom business contains versatile departments and teams, most of which work remotely. Since every employee in a remote work environment relies heavily on diverse mobile apps, your IT admins can centrally push public and private business apps on all your employees’ devices at once. Scalefusion enables over-the-air app distribution via Google PlayStore, Apple App Store, Windows Business Store or in-house business apps from the Scalefusion Enterprise Store.

    An IT admins job does not end at simply provisioning devices with apps. Scalefusion understands that app vulnerabilities are one of the common entry points for malware. To ensure that the apps on your employees’ devices stay updated, IT admission can automate and preschedule app updates within defined maintenance windows.

    2. Instant Remote Support

    With the growing demands of the customers, the telecom industry is burdened with a massive workload. Time is a critical element. Imagine having a hectic day planned ahead of you, when your device runs into an error. An error you cannot fix on your own. Waiting around for an IT person to show up at your remote location or trying to get in touch with the IT team over numerous calls in attempts to describe the device error, is proportional to ample time wasted.

    Mit der Remote Cast & Control von Scalefusion feature, your IT admins can mirror your device screens on their dashboard and take charge of your screen virtually to identify and resolve device errors. This helps your technicians and other field executives to resume quicker despite occasional glitches.

    3. Browser Restrictions & Network Security

    In a world of high-speed internet, several processes of the telecom sector depend on the usage of the internet. Browsing the internet can be of great help to connect to the company portal or obtain instant information, but it can also be a source of distraction and cyber threats. The internet is full of entertainment websites that can easily distract even the most focused people. To ensure that employees restrict their internet browsing to selective safe and work-related websites alone, telecom companies can allow or block selective websites on their device fleets via the Scalefusion dashboard.

    People tend to connect to any available source of the internet such as public WiFi when working from remote locations. You can secure your company-owned devices from connecting to untrusted WiFi and networks with the help of extensive network security policies such as VPN, firewalls and more, with Scalefusion.

    4. Kiosk-Sperrung

    Speaking on internet-related distractions. Mobile devices are majorly ruled by various applications. Businesses too rely on a variety of applications to keep constant connectivity and collaboration with their remote teams. To ensure that the employees do not get carried away with any gaming or entertainment apps on their devices during working hours, Scalefusion offers the Kiosk-Sperrung -Funktion

    With this, you can lock your devices into a single app or multiple applications that are verified and preselected by the IT admins of the organization. Since the devices’ usage is limited to predefined applications, employees do not find themselves distracted to use any other inappropriate apps during work hours, leading to optimized productivity.

    5. Inhaltsverwaltung

    The telecom sector executes countless activities daily and generates a large amount of paperwork and documents. Scalefusion MDM helps telecom businesses go paperless with its Content-Management- capabilities. You can share files, videos, and presentations of diverse formats instantly and securely with anyone in your corporate network. This not only saves time but also presents an encrypted channel to exchange sensitive business information.

    Zeilen schließen

    No doubt that the telecom industry landscape will continue to evolve in the future. However, the recent challenges that have led to bandwidth and productivity issues can certainly be tackled with the implementation of the right solution. Scalefusion MDM is a device and endpoint management solution that effortlessly caters to your productivity concerns and helps streamline your remote management to deliver a simplified mobility experience.

    Shambhavi Awate
    Shambhavi Awate
    Shambhavi ist Senior Content Writer bei Promobi Technologies und verfügt über Erfahrung in den Bereichen kommerzielles Schreiben, kreative Planung, Produktkatalogisierung und Content-Strategie. Sie ist eine „Biotechnologin, die zur Autorin wurde“ und glaubt, dass die Entstehung großartiger Ideen beim Kaffee geschieht.

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